Hi I wonder if anyone can help with an issue I’m having.
I’ve just installed Polo on a (relatively) old Huawei tablet and while it will download the POTA parks, I cannot get the SOTA summits downloaded. When I try to refresh the summits, it very briefly shows ‘downloading raw data’ message for a second then it stops and shows the refresh option again.
I also can’t log into SOTAWatch (click login button and nothing happens) and no SOTA spots are showing in the Polo app either, with the option for SOTA selected.
App is January 25 release (2501002)
I can log into SOTAwatch etc on the tablet itself with no issues and also have polo installed on my phone which works perfectly.
Update - also I can’t download the ‘Country Files - Big CTY’ data
My tablet is an “early one” but it is Android 12 and has storage 2.9Gb available from a total of 32Gb, and 673Mb memory available from 3Gb
If you have 3Gb total? Storage? or Memory?
PoLo takes up 481Mb of Memory with POTA, WWFF, SiOTA and SOTA loaded
What is currently available/free Memory?
I think in all likelihood you are maxed out on this tablet.
It has about 20gb free from 32gb storage and most of the ram should be free as other than polo and usual Google software nothing else is installed as I did a factory reset on it this morning before I started playing with it.
If it’s too old, that’s fine as it was doing nothing in the drawer for a good while now, so thought I’d give it a go. I could still use it for POTA logging, it’s just odd the SOTA side won’t work!
Thanks for confirming that, I did think it was odd no spots were showing, but I do have it ticked and it’s not bringing any SOTA spots through. Very odd indeed!
OK I would not have thought it necessary. But I turned my SOTA feature OFF here and the SOTA post did not show up.
Can you turn this on even if you do not have the summits loading?