Where is ADIF File Stored on Your Cell Phone?

Trying to figure out where the ADIF file is stored on my cell phone.

Once this is understood, the ADIF file can be uploaded to the POTA website.

Thank you

There are a number of places - it’s your choice. My selector may not be the same as yours, but I have places like dropbox, google drive and also a choice to email it to myself or someone else. You can choose to save it to your devices file system but normally you would need to have a file manager app to then browse to it (re-discover it).

You can also quick share it to another device.
What options come up for you?

Hi Alan,

I use Google File Manager on my phone.

I wonder if you know the file name?

Also, does Polo create a new directory on your phone?

Thanks & 73’s

The file names are as you see them here:

No new directories are created by PoLo but you may be offered the ability to create a folder in the file manager you have active during the export. You will be prompted to browse to an existing folder and or create a new one. It’s up to you and you will have to type the name of a folder if you choose to create a new one.


Hi Alan,

Perfect. Really appreciate the help !



One thing that PoLo might be doing from other apps you’ve used is that we don’t use ADIF as our native data format.

ADIF is only generated when you ask for it, and due to how mobile operating systems partition apps into their own locked silos, we don’t save it anywhere but rather “offer it for sharing” using other apps.

What you do from there depends on whether you’re using it on Android or iOS, and on which other apps you have installed.

There are some apps where the sharing does not work as expected, and I’ve been trying to figure out how to improve this, but in general, people seem to be able to “Save to Files” on iOS, or send it to Dropbox or Google Drive, or attach it to an email.

Hello Sebastian,

Thanks for your follow on note.

I have yet to use POLO for a POTA activation, but this will happen shortly.

I use an Android phone and can find the POLO ADIF file on Google Drive in the phone. From there, I can email the file to myself and upload it to the POTA site and finally import it into my logging software.

Not sure I fully understand your note about ADIF isn’t your native format means? Is some other conversion needed to get the file into ADIF format?

As one just getting into POLO, it seems it might be ideal for POLO to do two things with the ADIF file. First, upload it to my POTA account and secondly, send a copy to my email for import into my logging program. If POLO could do this all this automatically, it would be a nice improvement from my (“newbie to POTA and POLO) perspective.

What you have developed is fantastic; nice job for sure.


Sadly, the POTA website does not yet allow us to submit directly. Trust me that the day they enable this you’ll see a new PoLo release 30 minutes later.

Did not know that. Sounds like you’re ready to update when POTA allows a direct submission.

Thanks again for the help to understand the process.

And we’re thinking about ways to do some of the things you have in mind… automating as much as possible the process of completing an operation, and managing your past operations.

Not much to say yet, but something we’ll work on in the next few months.

That sounds great, thanks Sebastian

Is there a way to access/extract the full log database from an iOS device? I want to pull all the data so I can create new WWFF extracts from prior activations. I realize I’ll need to creat an ADIF, but I would like the data if possible.


You can activate Developer Mode (look in polo.ham2k.com) and you’ll find an option to export the entire database. It’s a sqlite file, and the full data for each QSO is in “QSON” (our internal format based on JSON), so you might have to write some custom code to deal with it.

Great, thank you!