First of all…THANKS for this great program/app!!!
I’ve been outside now two times, using PoLo and it’s really great!
Normally I’m active under my callsign DL4DBM (as a hunter as well as an activator) BUT I’ve got also a dutch callsign as well as a K6-callsign.
Up till now I’ve been using my german callsign. I’ve got some awards and hunted parks and activations. When I’m in the Netherlands I’d like to use my dutch callsign. Is it possible to merge different callsigns to one account? If yes, how?
Keep up the good work and thumbs up!
73 de Ben (DL4DBM)
When you create a new operation, there is Station Info option on the operation tab, where you can change your station call sign for that operation.
Hi Steve!
Thanks for your reply. I’m a aware of changing the callsign at “Station info” but up till now I’ve earned some awards and endorsements under my usual callsign DL4DBM. If I would change my callsign at “Station info” to my dutch callsign will the contacts which I than make work in favor of my usual callsign or do I start from scratch (zero), just for my dutch callsign?
73 de Ben (DL4DBM)
What program are you talking about? If you are referring to POTA, then just add all callsigns to your profile. Then activate with any one of the callsigns where it is legal to do so and the awards will accrue to your profile (merged).
WWFF is the same.
Wherever you can put more than one callsign into a profile for a program you should accrue points/awards to that profile.
Hi Alan!
Thank you for your answer! Yes, I’m referring to POTA (, sorry about that. And I did add my callsignS to my profile So, I’ll give it a try next time I’m in Holland again and see what’s happening