My name is Eduardo Graziano, PY2RIO, and I’m a POTA and SOTA activator in Brazil. I’m new to the forum, but I’ve been using the Ham2K app for a while now and really appreciate all the features it offers for our operations.
In addition to HF, I also work HAM satellites during my activations. Because of that, I’d like to suggest adding a feature to log satellite contacts in the app. I believe this would be a big help for operators, especially when working in the field.
Congratulations to the team for creating such a fantastic tool! Ham2K is, without a doubt, the best logging app for our amateur radio activities.
Looking forward to exchanging ideas and contributing where I can.
There’s a manual at but it does not (yet) cover all of the features.
It’s a good idea to look around the settings, and also read the release notes for each update, since we’re adding more features all the time.
And of course, you can always ask here in the forums.
We’re also looking for feedback. I have not done much satellite work, so there might be things the app can do to assist you that I cannot come up with by myself.
Hi Sebastian! Yeah, I’ll admit I was a bit careless about checking out the manual. I’ll make sure to pay more attention to it and use the info there to get the most out of the app.
Totally agree that exploring the settings and keeping up with the release notes is key. It really helps to understand how the app works beyond just the activations.
As for the forums, I’ve got to say I’m super impressed with how helpful and quick the responses are. The true HAM spirit really shines through here, and I’m grateful for that.
About satellites, I’ll definitely dig deeper into that feature since I work a lot with satellites, especially the FM ones. If I find anything that could be improved or added, I’ll be sure to send in some feedback.