I’ve recently started using PoLo for POTA activations and it works great when you’re running a frequency. However, when hunting the extra step is needed to input the hunted frequency in manually, which can introduce errors.
Would it be possible in a future version to include support for the DigiRig mobile, or at least the DigiRig 891, so that at the very least the logger can read the frequency that is being used? The ultimate ask is for full rig control where you click on a spot in the Spots tab and the radio gets set to the frequency automatically.
I use my DigiRig 891 and my FT891, controlled via my phone, for FT8CN and WOAD.
It’s not so easy to implement, specially because we need to cover Android and iOS, and dozens of different radios, but we’re about to get started working on it.
That’s interesting, rig control. At some point I think that the app is going to become too complex. When looking in the spots, then choosing a spot, then having the radio tune there is interesting. The only problem I see with this system is…… What if you can’t hear the station you click on? Then you’re forced to go to each field and delete the filled in information. Call sign field needs deleted, frequency field must get changed to back where you were, park info field must be deleted. For me I like to hunt a station or 2 in lulls and go back to my frequency I was working. There would be way too much time consumed having to go and delete/change all of the filled in fields.
This is a portable operation. Would it really kill people to spin the dial to the station they’re hunting? That’s what I do. When hunt, I spin the dial to the frequency, then if the station recognizes me then I click the spot. It just seems a whole lot easier.
Just my 2 cents on rig control for portable operations.
After you tap a spot and get the prefilled data as you say… don’t forget that by tapping the back arrow, all the details will be removed in one action and you will find yourself back on the frequency/mode etc you were one prior to tapping the spot.
The complexity is a good point, however apps like FT8CN already do this.
I activated a park this week while traveling for work and due to a variety of factors I had to go with digital on 28.074. When I did want to hunt on voice, the activators were in the 28.300-28.500 range. Yes, fast mode on my FT-891 will get me there quicker, but I’m taking my focus off of the park, and a VERY active park it was, to dial the radio. That to me is a safety issue, especially since I’m several hours away from areas where I know the risks. There is also a convenience factor. If a spot is a few minutes old, it could be that the operator is getting ready to do last call and the dial spinning delays might cost you the contact. Not an end of the world situation, but part of my motivation to ask, as when I hunt from home I have lost out on parks because of spinning the dial versus typing in the frequency or clicking a spot.
Not a make or break situation, just things that could improve the quality of life.
On the bright side, it was fairly easy to get the FT8CN data into PoLo using just the phone. If the phone screen resolution was bigger, I probably could have uploaded it to the pota site from the device directly as well. Great tool!