QRZ Timeout

Not sure if this is a bug but when typing a callsign I’m getting “QRZ Timeout”. Sometimes when typing a callsign I get some info, partial info, or no info. I thought it was because I was on the previous beta version. But I updated today and I thought it went away. But now it’s back and this was after I wasn’t using the app for a while. What I did was do a credential and now it’s working normally again. Light picture is from earlier today and the dark picture is from just now before I did the credential check.

@KI2D is aware of this - there is an update in progress. Something is causing the credentials to get corrupted.

OK thank you

A QRZ timeout is actually not a credentials problem. But QRZ responding with a “timeout” error.

Not sure what causes it, but it seems to be on their end.

I’ll keep my eye on it over the next several activations. For now I have a work around. Thanks Sebastian