25.1.3 on iOS
When typing in callsign on the log, it gives wrong names for the callsigns.
If I go edit the log row, press save the name is correct.
25.1.3 on iOS
When typing in callsign on the log, it gives wrong names for the callsigns.
If I go edit the log row, press save the name is correct.
Yes - had this happen yesterday. I think what happened was if I paused while entering a call, the “intermediate” partial call was being looked up. Completing the call would not clear the retrieved name and re-lookup.
Was using iPad to log via phone hotspot, so lookups were a little slow. This may have contributed to the issue.
Can you triple-check that you’re on version 25.1.3?
This particular bug was present on earlier versions and should have been fixed in the last release.
Yes, sure. Tested again. There is still some funky action going on.
Here are screenshots me typing in OH3RA … I stopped a bit on OH3R and I think PoLo fetches the name at that point and does not update on the last A I typed.
I went to edit, saved and the name was correct.
See the log, name starts with “Old l…”
Also see the upper rows, they are not correct. So something is off still. I was activating WWFF yesterday and most of the names were off, probably because of slow internet connection or something (I was in the forest).
Strange thing but the ADI file I exported yesterday has:
PROGRAMID:21Ham2K Portable Logger
Sorry. iPhone was updated but not iPad.
Promise to explicitly check before each outing from now on!
I’m pretty sure that I had that version on my activation. I don’t have automatic updates enabled on my phone neither…
Can you try the same steps but on a call that’s not already on your log?
I cannot reproduce the problem locally. My theory is that you have an entry in a previous activity with the wrong name, due to the past bug, and PoLo uses that information until it gets a result from QRZ… and if QRZ is being slow, it might keep the bad data when you save the QSO, but since it caches the result, when you open it again it does correct it.
What happens if you pause on OH3R, then type A, and then pause 5-10 seconds before saving the QSO?
I removed my QRZ credentials and PoLo was providing the information so I assume it is caching something. This combined to slow internet connection might have caused these issues.
So maybe we can say this was hickup either with the update or cached QRZ data, so I think we don’t need to spend any more time on this?
(I already created local ham notes file of all the callsigns + names so of my hunters so I can probably live without QRZ integration too)
If you do see it happen again, let me know and I’ll look deeper into it.
But yeah, for now I think it’s just trailing effects from the old bugs. Sorry about that!
73 de KI2D
Absolutely no problem, no need to be sorry! Things happend.
Thanks for developing PoLo, it is just an awesome tool while activating!