POTA Activation - Lost Log

I did a POTA activation today and recorded my 10 QSOs in the app. Everything worked as expected. When I wanted to download the log at home, I could no longer find the operation and my QSOs were gone.
Any idea what happened?

The app runs on an iPad mini 2.
Software version 12.5.7
App version is 0.7.6

Did you by any chance forget to put your own callsign in?

I doubt you have lost the log.
But you may need to activate Developer Mode

So you can export the QSON file from the database.


Thanks for the fast feedback

I have entered the callsign. see picture.

After I realized at home that I had lost my QSO, I created a new operation and entered a QSO. Then I started the developer mode and downloaded the QSON file. The file only contains the one QSO.

OK yes - can you export the database then?

Did you do this BEFORE your 10 QSOs? or AFTER, when you got home or just now?

Before. It was still there from the last activation.
I cannot see all entries in the developer menu. See picture above

Export All Operation Data

I downloaded the file.

This version is very early - can you try to update? This is strange
Version 0.7.6
that’s over a year old

The current version is

I did that. I get the message: No updates available

The app runs on an iPad mini 2.
Software version 12.5.7

There’s not going to be any support for that version moving forward.
Once you get the database out of it you will need to uninstall that and install from this link

Thank you for your support.
A hardware upgrade is therefore required. :slight_smile:

that’s likely - the earlier hardware will have problems with SSL certificates as well.

Did you get the database out?

Unfortunately not. Since I do not see the menu item, I do not know how to export it.

this option:

I have backed up the file.

OK do you want to email it to help@ham2k.com ?

Thank you for the offer. I have now sent you the file.

@KI2D Sebastian will take a look and come back here

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