Currently, there are short cut commands for entering non-callsign details in the THEIR CALL field that save the operator needing to open up specific sub-fields. This is quite handy when running multi op POTA and especially when using an external keyboard.
Enter QRV
, or QRT
to self-spot with the respective comment. Enter SPOTME
to self-spot with current frequency and mode but no comments.
Ref: Tips and Tricks | Ham2K Portable Logger
In support of quick field selection, a user can use the SPACE bar instead of TAB to move around to various fields.
Use the [space]
key to quickly select the next field in the form. This is especially useful when you are logging a lot of contacts and want to keep your hands on the keyboard.
ref: Tips and Tricks | Ham2K Portable Logger
However, sometimes an operator may want to add additional comments to the Self Spotting details. Currently this would mean pressing the SPACE bar after the keyword and between subsequent words, which would boot you out of the field and trigger the self spot prematurely.
Perhaps when the THEIR CALLSIGN field contains some of these key triggers, then a single space would add additional comments to the SPOT ME field. When the comment is complete a DOUBLE SPACE could trigger the jump to the next field.
This might look like
“QSY from doing a bit of hunting on the bands[SPACE][SPACE]”
This might actually open up the opportunity to perform multiple actions in a single THEIR CALL field entry:
- entering the call sign would obviously be added to the QSO record
- Entering a SPOTME keyword followed by comments would provide hunters context
- Adding op/[CALLSIGN] could add a second operator
- Perhaps note/ or /nt shortcut could produce a new note
Sample entry:
VE3FCQ QRV just finished up lunch and bio break op/ VA3TXL[space][space]
Anyhow, just trying to maximize some of the features that already exist while trying to streamline solo and multi-op scenarios.
Thanks for your consideration.