N00b Question: What’s the ‘state’ field for?

Morning Folks, and a very Happy New Year to all.

Am I right in thinking that the ‘state’ UI field which is enabled by default is intended to store a contact’s major geographical location, e.g. if I’m in Nevada and work somebody in California then I might insert ‘CA’?

As a European I’m not sure how else to use that box; in the UK there are Counties, France has Departments, Germany has Bundesländer, and here on the Isle of Man there are Sheadings, all of which makes me wonder if ‘State’ could be a reference to the logging operator: hungry, frostbitten, running QRP. :wink:

In VK and quite a few other jurisdictions, state is not a thing we record in teh QSO. Just switch it off

Otherwise, yes, I think US stations always ask for and report their state during the contact.


Got it, thanks Alan.

I looked through the settings as soon as I had first installed the app and it was immediately obvious that I could disable the ‘state’ field, but what wasn’t obvious was exactly I was supposed to be putting in there, and I didn’t want to switch off something which later transpired to be useful to me. All understood now.

Cheers & Beers!

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