More Controls - Add Grid Square

Is there scope to put Grid Square in the More Controls functionality?

I do a lot of 23 and 13cm SOTA activations and Grid Square of the chaser / hunter is used for distance based awards. Having the option to place Grid Square in the active controls functionality will make logging more efficient.

Thanks in advance.

Andrew VK1AD

I think this would need a re-work with callsign lookups, because the grid is added/updated/overwritten when the lookup data is retrieved for the callsign (call history or QRZ etc).
In the meantime the Notes entry would be the only way to go on this.
I think this would be the same for OPs who want to record the grid of another park during a P2P contact. It otherwise ends up being the grid set in the other OPs QRZ.
The contest setups may offer something here.

Thanks Alan, I understand the explanation.

The solution may also be a switch on the logger options page to not update Grid Square on callsign lookup.

I personally don’t use the QRZ callsign lookup function, I have this logging option turned off. So in my case adding Grid Square to the active fields would be a good solution!

For my microwave/mixed band activations I will continue using VK Port a Log. IMHO, VK Port a Log handles Grid Square perfectly.

Andrew VK1AD

You can indeed turn OFF all lookups. In which case then of course, you can add gridsquare into the QSO on the full info panel.

But that said - the quick entry fields so far have been reserved for fields which are unique to the QSO (except power) and not subject to updates from any source regardless of whether they are turned off or not.

Good luck

I did do that for the VHF-UHF field day contest last Saturday and Sunday from Mt Stromlo and found the switching of pages was inefficient under contest conditions.

At least I tried it out and persevered with PoLo, in a good way, until I had exhausted my thumb and finger strokes :slightly_smiling_face:

I will stick with VK Port a Log for microwave work.

Andrew VK1AD