January '25 - Pre 3

Ideally, this will become a Release Candidate tomorrow, with the goal of making a full official release by Tuesday or Wednesday, just in time for Winter Field Day.

New in pre 3:

  • Fixes to callsign lookups in split view
  • Allow toggling of QRZ images

Also included from previous pre-releases:

  • Support for Winter Field Day 2025, including scoring, summary, mult checks and more!
  • Activate with more than one operator (use commas in the Station Call field in operation settings)
  • Better handling of operator callsign in operation title
  • Fix lookup of callsign notes when offline
  • Include base frequency in ADIF export when only band was specified
  • Include contest exchange in ADIF export
  • Ham2K Log Filer - Cloud Sync service, in early beta behind dev mode.
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Hi just updated to Pre3 (IOS18.2.1) and Spots no longer loads any results.

It just says “loading Spots”

I haven’t tried completely removing the app as this will delete all my history.


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issue confirmed here

Thanks for the report.

This is fixed in the upcoming Release Candidate 1.

Did an activation today with Jan 25, Pre 3 on iPhone. When I tried to log multiple callsigns separated by a comma it would not save the entries. I had to log them individually. I have all the lookups off except for my notes file. I then turned off my notes file look up and the problem still exists.

Yes - you need the Release Candidate which fixes that

Release Candidate 2 fixes that problem