for what reason the Grid location is there when setting the new operation, then it disappears at some point in time.
I took a screen shot when I started, then went to look at the map a short time later. VE1SK
for what reason the Grid location is there when setting the new operation, then it disappears at some point in time.
I took a screen shot when I started, then went to look at the map a short time later. VE1SK
This has never happened to me. I cant think how it might be doing that. Keep an eye on it… maybe some sequence of what you are doing could give us a hint.
I have tried to duplicate it but no luck, it happens on my iPhone and my iPad . I have been tring to keep track on what is happening, hence the screen shots. Not that is going to tell you much but at least I know the grid was there when I started. like I said , I took the screen shot , spotted my self after I found a freg, I went to have a look at the map after a short while of operating and no lines , so I checked the grid and it was gone, but once I reentered it , it was fine. I have had this issue for a few activations now.
This has been happening to me nearly every time for the past few weeks. I’m on the stable-ish release channel. I have pinpointed it to disappearing as soon as I spot myself. Click ‘spot’ and poof, location cleared. Running on an Android tablet.
Spencer N4KPT
Thanks, I can also confirm that any attempt to edit or manually enter a gridsquare will cause PoLo to crash out - as of December pre0
I just did a test and after I sent a spot the grid disappeared , but I was able to reenter the grid. I did try entering the grid manually for a new operation and the app did crash.
Figured it out. It was a subtle bug introduced last month when I fixed a different bug about location not updating if you changed park references.
I have had this happen regularly.
I have had this happen as well. I ditched the Dec release and went back to the November build.
If you don’t mind, try the latest December releases. This has been fixed.