Pre7 - Manual entry of gridsquare has reverted to the action where the cursor keeps jumping back after entering a character.
You have to keep moving the cursor to the right after each entry
Sigh. Some days I want to throw all the computers I own against a wall.
Actually, I accidentally republished pre1, which is what you might have been running when you saw this.
Can you check for updates again and test grids again?
It’s pre 6, bleeding edge
It’s also Android (tablet and phone) same on both devices
Fixed on RC1.
Had to convert the whole dialog into a new screen, because the bug is only triggered by input fields in dialogs.
I had wanted to do this change for a long time, anyways, since it opens up more options for this location screen.
OK goodo - just tried RC1 on Android again.
It comes up prefilled with undefine
so 8 characters - d is truncated. It’s not a hint. You tap into it and you cannot type any characters because the field is full
You need to backspace out undefine to enter a grid.
If it’s empty it should be empty maybe?
undefine is completely replaced, however, when a Device GPS is available and it’s selected.