Bug when updating activation date after UTC rollover, plus an idea re: previous QSO lookups

I typically paper log and create a PoLo log after the fact. On Saturday 14 Dec 2024 I was attempting to create a dual POTA/SOTA activation and had the correct times but wrong date. I realized after the fact and attempted to fix the date, it appeared I had to go line by line per contact.

As soon as I finished correcting the last QSO date, the log crashed and reverted all dates back to the incorrect date. I attempted a second time and it happened again. Rather than repeating for a 3rd attempt, I deleted the log and started from scratch.

Now for my idea…

When performing a quick search of a callsign for previous QSO’s, the band is displayed for each instance of a logged contact when you click on the callsign.

Would it be possible to add the date next to the band for easier QSL‘ing? It is great to know that I worked so-and-so twice on 20m, but being able to see exactly which dates those QSO’s occurred on would be extremely helpful.


The date and time stopped showing up recently. I have it in my list of bugs to fix this week.

Oh neat, I didn’t realize that. I guess it wasn’t such a bad idea then.