REPOST with mods from: Default Frequency modes for VK - #5 by M1SDH
Thanks for the ref to the default band plans @VK1AO ,
First I’d add the following source for Canada’s 0-30MHz section
“sources”: [
{ “url”: “Band Plans | International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)” },
{ “url”: “Band Plan” },
{ “url”: “Updated ARRL Amateur Radio Frequency Charts Now Available” },
{ “url”: “” },
{ “url”: “–30_MHz.pdf” }
I will just focus on the 80m band here for an example
The current band plan listed, assuming based on AARL is:
“80m”: {
“mhz”: [3500, 3800],
“segments”: [
{ “name”: “CW”, “mhz”: [3500, 3600], “mode”: “CW” },
{ “name”: “Phone”, “mhz”: [3535, 3800], “mode”: “SSB”, “submode”: “LSB”, “regions”: [ 3 ] },
{ “name”: “FT8”, “mhz”: [3568, 3571], “mode”: “FT8”, “regions”: [ 3 ] },
{ “name”: “Data”, “mhz”: [3570, 3600], “mode”: “RTTY” },
{ “name”: “FT8”, “mhz”: [3573, 3576], “mode”: “FT8” },
{ “name”: “Phone”, “mhz”: [3600, 4000], “mode”: “SSB”, “submode”: “LSB” }
A Canada Specific one might look like the following:
“80m”: {
“mhz”: [3500, 4000],
“segments”: [
{ “name”: “CW”, “mhz”: [3500, 3580], “mode”: "CW },
{ “name”: “Data”, “mhz”: [3580, 3583], “mode”: “Data” },
{ “name”: “CW”, “mhz”: [3583, 3589], “mode”: “CW” },
{ “name”: “Data”, “mhz”: [3589, 3600], “mode”: “Data” },
{ “name”: “Phone”, “mhz”: [3600, 3842], “mode”: “SSB”, “submode”: “LSB”, “regions”: [ 3 ] },
{ “name”: “TV”, “mhz”: [3842, 3845], “mode”: “TV”, “regions”: [ 3 ] },
{ “name”: “Phone”, “mhz”: [3845, 4000], “mode”: “SSB”, “submode”: “LSB”, “regions”: [ 3 ] }
Is the “regions” parameter the ITU region? (source?) or the CQ Zones (Canada falls into 1, 2 , 3, 4 and 5. Is this how you differentiate what would apply in VK land?
Anyhow, not sure exactly how I can help with further defining the differences in the Canadian band plan. But I am willing to learn if I can be of use and if custom band plans is a a current or desired feature.
I would actually think the ideal approach to all this would be to just federate the band plan definitions. So for example RAC would maintain a machine readable version of the band plan at something like and then this file could be reffed in robots.txt .
It may be a big ask to get all national orgs to agree on a common standard, and perhaps Polo would be the reference implementation. Without going to deep in the rabit hole, I am not sure if JSON would be the best candidate, perhaps something a bit more semantic like RDF (RDF - Semantic Web Standards), and of course the general schema should follow, which appears to have the BroadcastFrequencySpecification (BroadcastFrequencySpecification - Type) which before being licensed I don’t think I knew existed. Gotta love learning new things.
Anyhow, back to band plans.
How can I help?