ADIF History - can't create uuids

I created an ADIF History file and tried to import it.
It imported and reports only 9,999 records imported
But when I try to open any Operation I get this error:

I can no longer open any operation even after clearing the ADIF history

I’ve had to replace the database from my other device to bring PoLo back into working order.

I did the import again with a cut down version of 3,278 records and it works as designed.
It populates the QSO record when offline with both name and gridsquare.

So I think a more friendly error message and prevention of the larger imports would be good to avoid loss of application operation completely.

I pushed a potential fix, on the bleeding track. Can you give it a shot?

Updated the Bleeding Edge.
Cleared History and Imported a file containing 77,080 records
The file size was 11Mb
All records were imported.
It took approx. 3 minutes on My Note20Ultra
The count was displayed during the import .
Interestingly the app did not keep the phone on during the import and no longer obeys the keep awake setting. I’ve disabled and re-enabled it but the app still goes to sleep/turns off.
When I have lookups turned off except History, it takes noticeably longer to fill the QSO than when QRZ is ON and History is OFF.

It takes a little longer to switch off than it would with other apps but still goes to sleep. Previous versions never went to sleep until I turned to another app. It seems to stay awake in an operation but go to sleep in the operation list view. Is this intended?


Yes, the stay awake option should only matter when you’re inside an operation.

After I cleared the History of 77,000 QSOS, the performance of QSO entry was still sluggish.
Once I exited the app and re-started it, the performance returned to normal.